U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin
U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin

As Congress continues to debate health care reform, lesbian U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin from Wisconsin has sit out some of the fight — because she has swine flu.

, an ABC affiliate, reported last Friday, Dec. 11, that Baldwin had been holed up in her D.C. apartment all week, trying to recover from H1N1, and to avoid spreading the virus to anyone else.
Baldwin told the station that she was feeling better and hoped “to be back to full strength very soon.”
Well, best wishes Congresswoman. Hope you are feeling better and back on the Hill soon.
If you want to see about getting the H1N1 vaccine here in North Texas, call the Dallas County Department of Health and Human Services at 214-819-2000 or the Tarrant County Public Health Department at 817-321-4700.рекламное агенство спбсоздание интернет магазина на php