By ARNOLD WAYNE JONES | Life+Style Editor |

P r i d e  W e d d i n g s   2010

It’s not just about the bridal bouquet and boutonnieres; floral tablescapes can make a reception an epic event

IN BLOOM | Beautiful floral tablescapes can add a memorable, organic quality to a wedding reception.

Bryna Morrow admits it: Boutonnieres simply don’t interest her that much. There, she said it.

"The main elements to me are the reception and the bridal bouquet," she says. "I love the bigger-scale stuff, the drama." (Though she does have some pretty good ideas when it comes to men’s lapel art, too. Green, for instance, stands out beautifully against a black tux.)

As the wedding consultant at Dr. Delphinium Designs, Morrow has helped plan lots of events using flowers. But the dirty little secret about planning your floral theme for a wedding is: It’s not all about the flowers.

"Feathers have been making a huge comeback," Morrow says. "We also use lots of handmade papers, ribbons, rocks, moss, fruit." And vases don’t have to be the dull, clear hourglass containers from the grocery. They can make a statement, too.

The entire floral look takes a lot of planning. Morrow has met with betrotheds up to a year prior to their weddings, though as little as a few weeks. (Three months is a good average.) She says it helps if the party has some idea coming in, such as the color palette for the bridesmaids or groomsmen, and the venue.

"I have a lot of questions I ask," she says — and not just "what’s your favorite flower?" She asks for words that best describe the couple, colors they like and don’t, texture they want to incorporate … and of course budget.

"On average, the floral budget is 10 to 12 percent of the total budget for the wedding," she suggests, though you can save by going as low as eight percent … or blow it out with 20 to 30. If you’re trying to make maximum impact, though, she has some practical advice.

• Spend money at the reception, not the church. "The ceremony is over in 30 minutes," Morrow says; people linger at the reception, so frontload you money there. Give bridesmaids and flowergirls small bouquets or even single roses instead of elaborate nosegays.

• Get your bang with color. "The first thing you see [at a reception] is color, then shape, then the individual flower," she says. Bright colors can pop and make a statement quickly. (Another big trend now? The monochromatic color scheme, which is modern and elegant.)

One of the biggest challenges with opinionated couples is getting a color they want and that looks good.

"Some women like teal, but there aren’t any flowers that naturally are that color," she says. And don’t mix too many very bold colors unless you want a circus theme.

• Go with a few big pieces rather than lots of little ones. Especially if your budget is tight, Morrow counsels putting out impressive displays of one or two types of flowers in key places — the buffet,  a foyer table — instead of modest centerpieces on every table. "And use tons of candles," she says. "You can pick them up cheap at Hobby Lobby."

And perhaps the best way to make it work is: Be flexible. If you want tulips, don’t plan a fall wedding. Work with your florist for substitutes. Compromise doesn’t equate to compromising.

Dr. Delphinium Designs & Events, 5806 W. Lovers Lane. 214-525-1203.

This article appeared in the Pride Weddings 2010 special section in the Dallas Voice print edition May 7, 2010.сайтpr google узнать