Marla Compton, left, receives an award from Henry Ramirez.

Resource Center Dallas held the fifth annual GEAR awards Saturday, May 14 at Pride Pharmacy. GEAR, a program of the Center, is dedicated to empowering transgender men and women within the community through educational and social opportunities, outreach and medical services. Here are the award winners:

• The Katherine Walton Award for outstanding work in the community by a transgender person: Marla Compton and Shouna Leaher. Compton is the longtime coordinator of the GEAR program. Leaher was on the steering committee for three years and was instrumental in coordinating the group’s events.

• The Henry Ramirez III Ally Award for outstanding work in the community by an ally of the transgender community: Latisha Nichole McDaniel and Jamila Davis.

McDaniel served on the Transgender Day of Remembrance steering committee for two years. She helped transform it into a large community-wide event.

Davis works at the Nelson-Tebedo Clinic and developed the intake for transgender clients. The program she helped develop is staffed by doctors once a month. They see clients, and prescribe hormones and other treatment. Ramirez, for whom the award was named, said Davis has worked hard to ensure the transgender community is treated with respect.

Attendees also heard from Charlie Burrows, manager of the Nelson-Tebedo Community Clinic; Rosemarie Odom, a member of the Center’s board of directors; Malcolm Roy of Pride Pharmacy; and the featured speaker, therapist Felesha Porter.

The event, sponsored by Pride Pharmacy, included a catered dinner. Pride Pharmacy has been a strong supporter of the Center and the programs and services it provides to the LGBT community. The pharmacy even re-painted several rooms in advance of the award ceremonies.

More pics below.