David Hearn

David Hearn, board president for the Greg Dollgener Memorial AIDS Fund, announced that AIDS Arms will take over GDMAF’s administrative responsibilities. That leaves the board more time to concentrate on fundraising.

GDMAF raises money to help people with HIV/AIDS by providing financial assistance for critical needs. Metro Ball, now held in conjunction with Razzle Dazzle Dallas, is its major annual fundraiser.

GDMAF has had a long partnership with AIDS Arms. In addition to being a beneficiary of LifeWalk, many of those whom the fund assists are referred by AIDS Arms case managers.

Referrals from other agencies will also be streamlined. Hearn said he expects them to be made through its website in the next month or two.

The full press release follows the break:

Greg Dollgener Memorial AIDS Fund (GDMAF) Forms New Alliance with AIDS Arms, Inc.

GDMAF Leadership to Focus on Fundraising, Administration Duties to be Outsourced to AAI

January 20, 2012 – Dallas, Texas – A person with a diagnosis of HIV or AIDS oftentimes lives on the edge of financial devastation or poverty. For more than 16 years the Greg Dollgener Memorial AIDS Fund (GDMAF) has worked hand-in-hand with people living with HIV, and many AIDS service organizations in Dallas, Collin and Denton counties to assist those in need. GDMAF is a last-stop resource for people with critical financial needs who are trying to survive and have quality of life.

Through the years, GDMAF has had a close working relationship with AIDS Arms, the largest non-profit HIV/AIDS service organization in North Texas. Case Managers at AIDS Arms often refer clients to GDMAF for help and emergency financial assistance. GDMAF is also a beneficiary of AIDS Arms’ annual LifeWalk event, as well as other North Texas charities. A long agency relationship is leading to the creation of an exciting new alliance between GDMAF and AIDS Arms.

Beginning this month, January 2012, GDMAF will delegate its administrative responsibilities to AIDS Arms. The client referral process and case management financial decisions will still remain with the GDMAF organization. The GDMAF all-volunteer organization remains intact and actively committed to helping those affected by HIV and AIDS. In addition to the shift of administrative duties, there will be a new online application process in February-March for the North Texas AIDS service organizations to make referrals to GDMAF.

The GDMAF leadership will continue focusing on fundraising and growing the available donor resources for people who are HIV+, after the administrative transition is complete. GDMAF distributes more than $50,000 in emergency aid each year. The youngest client served by GDMAF is an 8-year-old HIV+ girl and the oldest client that has received financial assistance is a 72-year-old man living with AIDS.

“The volunteers at the GDMAF want to raise and give back as much money as possible – through our annual events like MetroBall and the September PlanoBar Party – and with new, yet to be defined fundraising ventures. All the paperwork has become burdensome and it only makes good business sense to combine our administrative functions with AIDS Arms’ systems,” said David Hearn, treasurer and founder of GDMAF.

It is a critical time for AIDS service organizations with declining federal/state/county/city resources, rising numbers of people affected by HIV and AIDS, and increases in the amount of dollars needed.

“We are honored to be able to help GDMAF focus its time on creating increased funds that so many people living with HIV/AIDS need today, while still offering strong accountability for donor investments,” said Raeline Nobles, executive director of AIDS Arms, Inc.

AIDS Services Organizations that refer clients to GDMAF are Resource Center of Dallas, Legacy Counseling, Parkland HHS, Health Services of North Texas, AIDS Interfaith Network and AIDS Arms. The mission of the Greg Dollgener Memorial AIDS Fund is to enhance the lives of people with HIV and AIDS in the North Texas area by providing financial assistance for critical needs when resources are exhausted through other local organizations.

The dates for the 2012 GDMAF major fundraising events are: MetroBall on June 8, 2012 and the PlanoBar Party on September 15, 2012. An agency brochure is available here https://www.gdmaf.org/GDMAF_Brochure.pdf.

Please contact David Hearn at dhearn@gdmaf.org for sponsorship and volunteer opportunities or visit www.GDMAF.org for more information.