By Associated Press

5 lawmakers already working on measure to expand gay rights

OLYMPIA, Wash. — State Sen. Ed Murray of Seattle and five other gay members of the Legislature are working on a bill that would expand the rights approved in the 2007 domestic-partnership law.

Nearly 5,000 couples have registered to claim rights such as hospital visits and community property. Murray wants to add pensions and parenting and tax issues.

Murray also told The Olympian he also plans to introduce a same-sex marriage bill but thinks it’s too early to push for full marriage rights for same-sex couples.

Opponents, including the Faith and Freedom Network, plan to fight the domestic-partnership and same-sex marriage bills. One network leader, Gary Randall, told The Olympian the bills would harm the traditional institution of marriage.

Information from: The Olympian, техническое задание на обслуживание сайтанастройка гугл эдвордс