By Associated Press

Threatening call comes amid protests by gay marriage opponents

DES MOINES, Iowa — An openly gay state senator has received a death threat.

Public safety officials say Sen. Matt McCoy, a Des Moines Democrat, received the threat by telephone on Monday, April 13.

The threat was made as opponents of gay marriage continue to pressure lawmakers to take steps against a ruling by the Iowa Supreme Court that legalized same-sex marriages in Iowa.

McCoy confirmed it was a death threat, but declined to talk about details.

Courtney Greene of the Iowa Department of Public Safety says McCoy met with state troopers at the Capitol, but because the threat wasn’t received at the Capitol, it was referred to Des Moines police.

Greene says the patrol has received information that a number of lawmakers have been receiving "troubling" calls and e-mails. стоимость создания и обслуживания сайтазаказать разработку интернет сайта