We’re starting a new feature here every week on Instant Tea: Gay Getaway, where we recommend quick, cheap airfares to fun gay destinations. After all, the gays love their spur-of-the-moment trips, especially when they can do ’em cheap. First up: West Palm Beach.
The best airfare deal we saw, courtesy of AirTran, was $87 to West Palm Beach.
What’s the case for West Palm? Well, in addition to the scores of gay bars there, last month the city commission there voted unanimously in favor of repealing Florida’s ban on gay adoption. The effect? Well, not much. But it shows a sense of openness we can all appreciate and support.
Travel requires 10 days advance purchase; sample departure on April 17, returning April 20. Cost is each way.seo yandexзаказать поисковую раскрутку сайта