pink-marineEditor’s note: Greg White just emailed me that he had emergency heart surgery (“a shocker to me!”) and had to postpone his trip. He plans to reschedule everything for the week of Feb. 8. Best wishes for a speedy recuperation, Greg!
Greg Cope White is a sixth generation Texan who spent a lot of his formative years frequenting the clubs of Oak Lawn… that is, until he decided to enlist in the Marine Corps long before “serving openly” was a thing. But rather than having angry, fist-raising memories of his service, White actually has respect for the Marines and recalls his time fondly.
White’s memoir — The Pink Marine: One Boy’s Boot Camp Journey to Manhood  — is a comic, touching account of being closeted in the 1970s and coming into his own (eventually) as an out gay man … as well as a TV writer, cooking show host and author. (The Pink Marine has already been optioned for TV.) White will appear in person in Dallas, with a book signing Thursday at the Barnes & Noble Lincoln Park on Northwest Highway starting at 7 p.m. (He’ll also be on WFAA’s Good Morning Texas and KERA’s Think.)