The Gay ad Lesbian Alliance of North Texas hosts a free screening of Transpose, a film that “explores the extraordinary challenges and triumphs of transgender people as they transition from the gender assigned to them at birth to living the life that they have envisioned for themselves,” on Tuesday, March 13, in the fellowship hall at Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church, 1641 W. Hebron Parkway in Plano. The free event begins with appetizers and wine at 6:30 p.m., with the movie at 7 p.m., followed by a panel discussion featuring Kurtz Frausun, the film’s director, New Hope Mayor Jess Helene Herbst and Finnigan Jones, Texas Legislature candidate and executive director of Trans-Cendence International Inc.
Transpose,the filmmaker says, is “a collection of powerful stories of individuals who choose to determine the course of their life, regardless of the difficult path of transition.” It is a production of Artitude, a nonprofit organization aiming to “unite the LGBTQ+ and diverse community, local artists, academic researchers and public and private organizations with the goal of inciting positive change and equality for all through art shows, music events and other artistic endeavors.”