Dawe.GabrielA dazzling installation made of thread hangs above the staircase of the new LGBT Community Center that’s set to open on Saturday, May 21 with an open house from 10 a.m.-noon. The new community center is located at 5750 Cedar Springs Road.
Gabriel Dawe called his work ethereal as the threads blend into a tornado of swirling colors that play off the light. Light is a feature throughout the new community center,  in stark contrast to the old center on Reagan Street which had few windows and none in the old meeting rooms.
And, yes, in the above photo, a rail is missing with just a few boards keeping anyone from fall over the ledge. Resource Center CEO Cece Cox joked the capital campaign is still going on through the year and the ledge will be fixed when they raise the money (or in time for Saturday’s opening, whichever comes first).
More on the new Resource Center … and the old … in this week’s Dallas Voice.