Joel Burns and JD
FW Councilman Joel Burns and partner J.D. Angle.

Fort Worth City Councilman Joel Burns stopped by the media desk. He and his partner J.D. Angle have been working on the campaign. Burns has been a big fundraiser for Annise Parker. Angle has been in Houston all week and has been her phone strategy coordinator.

Burns said, “The reason JD and I have been active in Annise’s race is because Annise is the kind of smart political leader that we want to see elected not only here in Houston but throughout Texas. People have come together from all over the country, all over the state and all over Houston to elect someone of Annise’s caliber. It is an example not only of Houstonians and Texans and Americans supporting talented and qualified LGBT candidates.”

In the city council races, gay candidate Lane Lewis is trailing Brenda Stardig by 44 percent to 56 percent in District A. And out lesbian Sue Lovell now leads Andrew C. Burke Jr. by 54 percent to 46 percent for Position 2 At-Large.

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