By Daniel A. Kusner Life+Style Editor

Raunchy provocateur Lady Bunny hops into Big D on April Fool’s Day

BUNNY BEAUTY: The Wigstock creator is a dead wringer for Michelle Obama.

Lady Bunny performs
April 1 at 11 p.m. at Woody’s 4011 Cedar Springs Rd.

Even jet-set drag legends are feeling the pinch. The other day, "Wigstock" creator Lady Bunny e-mailed me that her gig to DJ at a corporate event in Dallas was just cancelled. However, her rickety Los Angeles-to-New York airline ticket had her stuck in D-FW, and Bunny didn’t want to just "sit in a cheap hotel, picking my butt." So she wrangled an appearance in our gayborhood — bringing her offensive and sidesplitting comedy to Woody’s on April Fool’s Day.

What’s her act like?

Last time I saw Bunny was at the 2008 Gay Video News Awards in San Francisco. Serving as emcee, she did an "All That Jazz" reinterpretation called "All That Jizz." And closing the show, the severely inebriated hostess slurred her way through some poignant closing remarks: "In addition to all the artistry and magic we’ve seen tonight, you’re all a bunch of sluts! "

Then she spit her gum out at the audience. A few minutes later, she was on her knees begging Chad Hunt to drop his pants.

The other day, I caught up with Bunny — who’s also an opinioned political blogger — about the pope and Dallas’ drag scene.

What’s new? I just got back from Paris Fashion Week where I DJ-ed at Barbie’s 50th party. As I made my entrance at the Viktor & Rolf show. A journalist asked who I was. I said "Michelle Obama." They all laughed — including Michelle’s personal stylist, Irina, who texted the first lady about what I’d just said, and the two had a giggle over it. I then told Irina that I might be available to perform at the White House if my schedule permits, assuming that they can afford me on their recession budget. She told me that the Obamas just got a dog and didn’t need another one!

Name a challenge you’d like to see on the next season of "RuPaul’s Drag Race." RuPaul is a dear friend. However, I can’t understand this country’s preoccupation with who is the best designer, model, chef, drag queen, etc. The real challenge we all face is staying afloat in a dying economy. So why on earth would we be enthralled by stupid competitions, like "Do a ‘Project Runway’ photo shoot as a member of a different race" challenge?

I’d like to challenge all of the queens on Ru’s show to regain some of the fighting activist spirit, which led to the birth of the gay rights movement at Stonewall. We queens and trannies should be very proud of our heritage. So let’s have Ru and his "girls" grab a brick and meet up with that hideous anti-gay Fred Phelps at his next demonstration and duke it out.

The pope just denounced condoms. You have one thing to say the Bishop of Rome: What would you tell him? You can’t be gay and Catholic and have a brain. This is not some fringe religious leader like Falwell or Robertson. The pope is head of the Catholic Church. When he said that condoms actually help spread AIDS, he’s essentially leading his followers to their deaths — like Jim Jones. Of course, condoms prevent the spread of AIDS and therefore the pope is a liar. How can Catholics not denounce this idiot? Perhaps in his world, there’s no need for condoms because priests seem to prefer sex with (presumably) uninfected minors.

What’s the reputation of Dallas’ drag queens? Southern drag is usually very polished and professional. I only know Whitney Paige, and she is a brilliant lip-synch artist. I’ve only seen her on video, but she tore it apart at Hot Chocolate’s tribute show.

What do you want your Dallas fans to do when they come see you? Bring drugs. And some extra coins because I’ll be hawking my DVD, "Rated X For Xtra-Retarded."

Is Woody’s charging a cover? Yes — a cover to get out of the place once I begin my act. Just kidding! There’s no cover. But the audience might need to run for cover when I begin my new parody of Leona Lewis’s "Bleeding Love." Let’s just say it’s a bloody sick joke — period!

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition March 27, 2009.сайтособенности стимулирования сбыта