By Associated Press

Karoutchi is first Cabinet member in memory to announce his homosexuality

PARIS — France’s minister in charge of parliamentary relations, Roger Karoutchi, has told the country that he is gay — the first Cabinet member in recent memory to openly declare his homosexuality.

His statement says: "Yes, I have a life …. I say it naturally. I have a companion and I’m happy with him."

Karoutchi’s statement Friday. Jan. 23 comes shortly before the Feb. 4 publication of his book "Mes quatre verites" ("My Four Truths") in which he devotes two pages to the subject.

Friends say he came out with the revelation because of "attacks by his enemies."

While the 57-year-old Karoutchi is the only minister to speak frankly of his sexual preferences, he is not alone. Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoe is the best known politician to have come out. He did so 10 yearsсветодиодная реклама на авто