In other Rainbow Lounge news, the city of Fort Worth is moving forward with its prosecution of two patrons who were injured in the raid, Chad Gibson and George Armstrong, according to NBC. Gibson, who spent a week in the hospital with a head injury after the raid, is charged with public intoxication and assaulting a state agent for allegedly groping TABC Agent Chris Aller. Armstrong, who suffered severe bruising and muscle strain while being arrested, is charged with public intoxication.

Adam Seidel, the attorney for both men, said his clients were unwilling to accept a plea bargain and asked the case to be set for trial.

He declined to say specifically if prosecutors offered a deal, but said he was surprised they did not drop the charges entirely.

“The city’s message has been, ‘Let’s learn from this and move forward and get past it,’” Seidel said. “That doesn’t seem to be consistent with prosecuting these two victims.”

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