Oh this is cute. Rising Voice, Focus on the Family’s effort convince young people that the outplayed values of Falwell are the #nexthottrend, has chosen “marriage” as the topic of focus for this month:

Did you know that:

1) most Americans desire to marry?

2) marriage is good for people—women, men and children?

We celebrate Valentine’s day in February, so it seems like the right time to take a look at marriage and the many ways it helps people.

Marriage really is beneficial—especially for children. It is the. major. poverty buster for kids. A child living with her married mom and dad is unlikely to live even one year of childhood in poverty. Married parents also positively influence a child’s physical and emotional health, and educational achievement.

It’s not just kids who benefit from marriage. Married men and women have better emotional and physical health than their unmarried peers, and married men even make more money than single men.

Still not convinced? Need some stats? We’re happy to provide those details.

We know that the people ditching marriage may be getting all the headlines, but this month we’re singing the praises of the unsung heroes and heroines who go the distance for a lifetime.

Marriage [Rising Voice]

Hmm. You know what/who else has garnered more than a few headlines, FoTF? Those Americans who crave marriage equality with every fiber in their beings, only to see their desired marriages forcibly ditched by the costly campaigns of self-appointed “pro-family” organizations! That’s the marriage issue of this generation. An issue that is only at issue because of the meddling of “culture warriors.”

The truth, FoTF: You all will gleefully sing marriage’s praises, just as long as the tune is all Rachel/Finn and zero Kurt/Blaine. That’s not a “rising voice”: It’s an outgoing tide.


*Oh, and also: Aren’t these folks always telling us gay adults that we’re selfish for seeking marriage, since it’s really all about children? So then why are they specifically citing the emotional, physical, and financial benefits that marriage brings to adults? They can’t have it both ways.

Good As You