Bobby Boliew displays some of his latest wares at Fast Signs. (David Taffet/Dallas Voice)

Oak Lawn store has shifted some its sign production to PPE

DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer

Fast Signs was declared an essential business and allowed to remain open through the pandemic shutdown because it produced signs about social distancing and wearing masks. Managing partner Bobby Boliew said he feels a little bit guilty when he says that his store, on Oak Lawn Avenue, had one of its busiest months ever right after the shutdown began.

Boliew’s store produces everything from floor stickers that measure out six-foot distancing in stores, office buildings and high-rise apartments, to COVID-19 etiquette signs, to curbside service banners for restaurants. While his business has kept him and his staff working long hours, he’s mindful of how hard some of his customers have had it. So he has been working with them on pricing.

And he’s been thinking about how else he can help the community. For instance, if you purchase a rainbow Oak Lawn Proud sign at Fast Signs, the company will donate $5 to Resource Center.

While the sign business has kept his store busy, Boliew has added several products designed to help his customers and the public protect themselves. For instance, the same machines that cut vinyl for signs will also cut plexiglas up to a half inch thick. So the Fast Signs crew has designed desk stands to divide desks or lunch tables in schools, hanging dividers and face shields.

Recently, Boliew said, he installed hanging dividers to protect hotels clerks at the downtown Sheraton Dallas hotel. The free-standing shields, he added, are good for stores, offices and any place people normally transact business directly across from each other. And, he noted, a 30-inch by 24-inch shield with stand is only $139.

Boliew and his Fast Signs crew also designed a face shield used by police. The head strap doesn’t have hooks because police told him they have different size heads. Instead, the straps are connected with rubber bands or hair bands. He said each police car carries three of the reusable shields, which can easily be cleaned and disinfected.

For stores and office buildings ordering distancing floor stickers, Boliew includes extras. They stick to carpets surprisingly well, but the extras are for when they begin to peel up. One reason the stickers are lasting so long, Boliew said, may be limited traffic in many buildings especially offices.

Boliew said he doesn’t like to talk about business going well while others are suffering. But he is providing signs and barriers that will help get us through the pandemic more safely.

Fast Signs is located at 2629 Oak Lawn Ave. 214-526-2329.