Tony Perkins

Tony Perkins, head wingnut at Family Research Council Action, will be holding a Webcast at 2 p.m. CST, today, on the subject “Mission Compromised: How the Military is Being Used to Advance a Radical Agenda.”

Perkins says that he is being joing by “veteran military commanders, members of Congress and policy experts” who will discuss the “shortcomings” of the Pentagon’s recently-released report showing that the large majority of those in the military have no problem with repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell” and allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly.

(Looks like a clear-cut case of “If the facts don’t support your position, ignore them and make up some that do.”)

In a press release announcing the Webcast, Perkins said: “The U.S. Senate could vote very soon on the Defense Authorization Act, which, if enacted, would force open homosexuality on the military and turn military medical facilities into abortion clinics. The vote is expected to be very close which is why it’s so vital that you encourage your friends and family to tune into this live Webcast. They will learn what action steps they can take to stop this last ditch attempt by outgoing liberal senators to force a liberal social agenda onto the military.”

Here’s the list of guests joining Perkins for the Webcast: Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, a member, Senate Armed Services Committee; Gen. Carl Mundy, former commandant of the Marine Corps; Brig. Gen. Douglas Lee, a retired U.S. Army chaplain; Sgt. Brian Fleming, veteran of the war in Afghanistan and Purple Heart recipient; retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. Bob Maginnis, senior fellow on National Security with the Family Research Council; Cathy Ruse, senior fellow in Legal Studies with the Family Research Council; and Peter Sprigg, senior fellow for Policy Studies with the Family Research Council.

Hmmm. Sure sounds like a well-balanced and unbiased array of speakers to me!

What’s your opinion on the matter? Want to share it? If so click here to watch the Webcast, and e-mail your questions and comments to, or text your questions and comments to 24453. Type in DADT, followed by a space and then your question or comment.

(Thanks to Patti Fink for the heads up on this one.)