Why voting for Kamala Harris is a no-brainer for LGBTQ rights

We hear the same chorus every election cycle: “This is the most important election of our time.” And while the repetition can be eye-roll-inducing this time, it’s not just rhetoric; it’s a reality we cannot ignore.

The stakes have never been higher for our LGBTQ+ community. As I engage with voters and speak to groups for this election, you might hear me say, “Y’all, our lives and the lives of our friends in all segments of the LGBTQ+ community are at EXTREME RISK if we don’t vote for pro-equality candidates.” This isn’t hyperbole; it’s a call to action, echoing the urgency of our fight for survival and equality in the face of escalating threats.

This urgency is not to be underestimated, and it’s what should drive us to the ballot box and take our friends with us.

Why are we at extreme risk?
Let’s start with the last time Donald Trump was in office. His first term was a nightmare for LGBTQ+ Americans. From banning transgender individuals from the military to appointing right-wing judges who could influence future decisions on LGBTQ rights, the attacks were relentless.

The Department of Justice under Trump declared that the Civil Rights Act doesn’t cover transgender workers, and the Department of Health and Human Services removed nondiscrimination protections in healthcare. The Trump administration and MAGA extremists worked to make sure businesses were given the green light to deny services to LGBTQ individuals based on “religious exemptions.”

This wasn’t just a rollback but an all-out assault on our community. I never thought in my lifetime until the Trump administration that with a Supreme Court decision, we would have women refused reproductive care and dying of sepsis. Imagine the dire consequences ahead with constant and continued attacks by MAGA extremists. These attacks underscore the urgent need to vote for candidates who will protect and expand our rights.

And it’s not just past actions we need to worry about. Enter Project 2025, a scheme cooked up by the Heritage Foundation and Trump’s allies.

This plan is set to gut federal protections for LGBTQ+ individuals by removing references to sexual orientation and gender identity from federal regulations, restricting gender-affirming healthcare and banning LGBTQ+ discussions in education.

If you thought things were bad before, Project 2025 is like turning back the clock to a time when we had no rights.

Then there’s J.D. Vance, Trump’s running mate. Vance’s idea of ‘family values” seems to be stuck in a black-and-white TV era, filled with weird stereotypes of women and queer people. Someone should remind him it’s 2024, not 1954.

However, on a serious note, he poses an extreme risk to our community due to his severe anti-LGBTQ record. This includes his vocal opposition to same-sex marriage, his support for legislation that discriminates against transgender individuals by limiting their access to healthcare and public facilities and his endorsement of policies that roll back protections for LGBTQ people in the workplace.

Vance’s consistent alignment with extremist views makes him a significant threat to the progress we’ve fought for in terms of equality and human rights.

Why Kamala Harris?
On the flip side, we have Vice President Kamala Harris. Her track record speaks volumes. She’s been a staunch advocate for our rights, supporting the reversal of the transgender military ban, pushing for the Equality Act and fighting against discrimination in housing, healthcare and employment. Harris has out-and-open LGBTQ+ staff and a career of commitment to equity.

Her unwavering support is a beacon of hope for our community, and her presidency would mean a continuation and expansion of protections for us all.

A Harris presidency would mean continuing and expanding protections for our community and fighting back against the hatred and bigotry that Trump and Vance represent. Harris’s advocacy isn’t just lip service; it’s backed by years of consistent support and action. Under her leadership, we can expect to see significant progress in areas such as healthcare access, workplace discrimination, and transgender rights.

Can Kamala win?
She absolutely can win. Harris is prepared for the presidency; her readiness will shine through as she campaigns. The early enthusiasm for her announcement shows that she has the momentum.

But she can’t do it alone. We need to rally behind her, not just with our votes but with our voices and actions.

What can you do?
Do something! You don’t have to be a campaign warrior, but think about all the ways you can engage your personal network to vote. Let’s rally for Kamala Harris’s campaign and have some fun along the way. Chat with your pro-equality buddies about the latest updates — an excellent excuse for coffee dates!

Follow the Human Rights Campaign and LGBTQ+ media for all the juicy news and debunking of extremists. Make sure we’re all set to vote by checking our registration statuses together. Get a yard sign — and not just for yourself but for your neighbors and friends. Host debate watch parties: bring snacks, have a drinking game and even have debate watch Bingo.

Sign up for campaign alerts to stay in the loop about exciting events and volunteer opportunities. Get involved by attending rallies, town halls or virtual meetings. Volunteering can be a blast, whether we’re phone banking, canvassing or just showing up to help.
Plan a voting day outing with friends and family and turn it into a celebration. And don’t forget to use your social media and phone contacts to nudge everyone else to vote.

Let’s channel the spirit of Marsha P. Johnson, a pioneering LGBTQ+ rights activist, who said, “No Pride for some of us without liberation for all of us.” Our fight is interconnected, and true Pride can only be realized when every member of our community is free and equal. We can’t afford to leave anyone behind.

The threat is real, but so is our power. By coming together, staying informed and actively participating in this election, we can ensure a future where our rights are protected and expanded. This is not a fight we can win alone, but together, we are a force to be reckoned with.
Stay informed, stay involved, and let’s make a difference together!

Jeff Strater is a Democratic National Committee member-elect, a Texas Congressional District 30 Committeman and past president of Texas Stonewall Democrats. He has also just joined the volunteer fundraising team for Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign.