Elon Musk

As if it weren’t already too hot in Texas, looks like we can expect a whole new influx of hot air in the near future.

According to reports by Edge Media Network, Elon Musk has announced that he is moving the headquarters of SpaceX and his social media company X to Texas from California in part because of California’s LGBTQ-positive laws.

Musk posted on X recently that he is moving SpaceX headquarters from Hawthorne, Calif., to a the company’s rocket launch site in Texas that he calls Starbase, located on Boca Chica Beach at the southern tip of the Lone Star State. X is moving from San Francisco to a site near Austin.

Musk is also CEO of Tesla which has already moved its headquarters to Austin.

Musk declared that legislation recently signed into law by California Gov. Gavin Newsom that prohibits school districts from requiring staff to notify parents if their children change their gender identification was the “final straw” in his decision to leave that state. He also said he had warned Newsom “about a year ago that laws of this nature would force families and companies to leave California to protect their children.”

Meanwhile, families with transgender children are moving out of Texas, which has laws forbidding gender-affirming medical treatment for anyone under 18, to protect their trans kids.

Musk, by the way, has a transgender daughter who, in June 2022 at the age of 18, legally changed her gender and her name and received a new birth certificate reflecting the gender and name changes after she told the judge presiding over her requests that she no longer wanted to be related to Musk.

Musk, of course, said at the time it’s not his fault his daughter has no desire to be connected to him in any way, instead blaming the “neo-Marxists” running the schools.

— Tammye Nash