
Congo and Kamba, two of the zoo’s current elephant residents

The Dallas Zoo gave a progress report and posted the first pictures of our five new elephants — Mlilo, Zola, Amahle, Nolwazi and Tendaji. They range in age from about 6 to 25 years old. Only one — Tendaji — is male.

Their quarantine should be over soon and they’ll be slowly introduced to their new habitat, Giants of the Savannah. We hope to get some of the first pictures of our new Dallas residents once they’re introduced to their new friends.
Zookeepers report the five are enjoying their new diet after being rescued from drought-plagued Swaziland. Several have put on more than 100 pounds since arriving.
They’ve been adding a variety of vegetation to their diets. Upon tasting broccoli, however, one hated it so much, she spit it across the barn.
See the April 1 issue of  Dallas Voice for some other zoo facts and a story about a photo safari that Ben Jones, dean of the Dallas Zoo Wild Earth Academy, will lead.