An East Texas man was ordered Tuesday to stand trial in the murder of a gay man more than 37 years ago in San Diego, The Union-Tribune reports. Gerald Dean Metcalf (pictured above), now 61, was arrested last year at his home in Chandler, Texas — just outside Tyler — after a cold case squad matched his fingerprints with evidence from the 1971 crime. Authorities say Metcalf, then 24, murdered then-27-year-old Gerald Jackson by stabbing him 61 times.
After his arrest, Metcalf reportedly told authorities he killed Jackson because Jackson tried to rape him. Metcalf’s fingerprints were on file in Texas because he was charged with another murder here in 1984. In that case, Metcalf successfully argued he was acting in self-defense when he killed a friend with a baseball bat.
You can read a more in-depth story about Jackson’s murder and Metcalf’s arrest by going here.siteконтекстная реклама google сто имость