Councilwoman Monica Alonzo throws beads next to Dwaine Caraway’s vacant star on the Dallas Tavern Guild’s float during Sunday’s parade.

Kudos to the 12 members of the Dallas City Council, including Mayor Mike Rawlings, who rode on the Dallas Tavern Guild’s float in Sunday’s parade to show their support for the LGBT community despite a steady, soaking rain. The only council member who said they would attend the parade but did NOT show up was Dwaine Caraway. Last month, Caraway’s assistant, Sloan Anderson, told our David Taffet that despite a possible conflict with the Cowboys game — which Caraway has cited in the past as a reason for missing the parade — he would be there.

“The parade’s the only reason he’d ever miss a game,” Anderson told us.

Well, after what the Seattle Seahawks did to the Cowboys on Sunday, Caraway probably wishes he’d attended the parade instead, but here’s what Anderson told me this morning when I called to find out why he hadn’t showed up:

“I’ll have to check with him and find out,” Anderson said. “Maybe something else was on his calendar, but it wasn’t when I put that on there … and I didn’t speak with him to find out if that was going to change or not.”

We’re not trying to blow a symbolic gesture like riding in the parade out of proportion. But we wanted to point out Caraway’s absence because let’s face it, you shouldn’t get credit for saying you’ll be there; you have to actually show up. And the fact that 12 council members did so — despite the miserable weather — is truly something of which to be proud.

A few more of my waterlogged pics of the Tavern Guild’s float are below.