Tin Room dancer Angel Munoz’s life started as a miracle and has been going well ever since

MARK STOKES  | Illustrator

drawingName and age:
Angel Munoz, 19


Spotted at:
The Tin Room
Handsome and talkative Angel Munoz recently left South Texas in search of more opportunity and ended up relocating to Dallas. Born in El Paso to a Puerto Rican/Mexican father and an Arab mother, he’s the oldest of two brothers and one sister.

Miracle baby:
Angel is appropriately named: This exceptional Capricorn’s mother died during his childbirth for two minutes; fortunately, the doctors were able to bring her back to life. Angel came out to his family at 15, a real surprise to his many enamoradas. This low-key, gregarious young man leaves many fans in El Paso, where he was popular and renowned for his dancing skills.
When he is not making patrons sweat at the Tin Room, Angel enjoys softball and hanging out with friends. An animal lover, his family owns 10 dogs, but his Chihuahua, Cheekie, is his baby. Future plans include employment in the medical field.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition March 9, 2012.