Oklahoman Marquis Prince only recently brought his Pride to Dallas

sketchesMARK STOKES  | Illustrator

Name and age: Marquis Prince, 22

Occupation: Salesperson/Server, Entertainer

Spotted: Beltline Road and Marsh Lane

Born in Oklahoma City and raised in Spencer, Okla., tall, flamboyant Marquis Prince is hard to miss. His bright smile and great laugh are two of this gregarious guy’s greatest gifts. Marquis moved to Dallas four months ago. He packed a little money, a few clothes and his favorite nightstand and took I-35 South until he reached Dallas where he says he “felt good” upon arriving.

From insects to audiences: The middle of three siblings, Marquis has always had an interest in animals, and he grew up collecting horned toads, mice, bullfrogs, lizards, bugs, spiders, millipedes and tarantulas, among many other creatures. He initially pursued a career in veterinary medicine, but eventually switched his major to communications. Playing trombone in his high school band made him realize that entertaining is in his blood. His future plans include becoming a radio/television personality or newscaster.

Breathing room: Marquis came out at 19, but says he needed some personal space away from his family. His move to the Big D was far enough away from home to provide him that.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition May 30, 2014.