Oak Cliff creative recommends journaling to process thoughts, emotions

Name and age: Andreas Hernandez, 28
Occupation: Retail/Customer Service
Spotted: Uptown

Born to create: Born in Oak Cliff, Andreas is the elder sibling to a younger brother and a sister. This tantalizing Taurus has always had a creative spirit, likely inheriting some creative DNA from his parents (his father is a photographer and his mother creates her own jewelry).
Photography became a way to express himself from an early age, which helped pave the way to his becoming active in journalism in high school.

Finding support, finding himself: At 20 and severely depressed, Andreas moved into his own place in Oak Cliff. Although his mother was supportive, he felt he needed his own space to re-center himself. He was the first in his immediate family to come out. Following his lead, an uncle and a first cousin eventually joined him.
Over the years, his sensitivity caused numerous situations with bullies. During his high school years, one antagonist in particular threw slurs his way along with several punches. Ten years later, Andreas spotted this same homophobe across the bar at the Round-Up. Self-hatred, anyone?

Andreas has dealt with mental issues — bullying, anxiety and depression — his entire life. In the last few years, he has been addressing these issues and getting help. Counseling, along with proper medication and talking it out with people he trusts has helped him move forward.
He highly recommends journaling and processing your feelings by writing them down.

Music & literature: Being the owner of a blunt personality and a rebellious nature, Andreas is certainly exactly who he is. He loves music; his father was a DJ with a tremendous record collection, which was certainly an influence on him. Karaoke and creating original beats in Garage Band are ways he enjoys expressing himself. He’s not a top-20 pop music fan, but his friends like him anyway.
Reading is another of his favorite pastimes. Anne Rice and Chuck Pollenick are among his fave authors. He also has a keen interest in photography.

Home life: Andreas lives with his partner, Blake, in a ranchito filled with chickens, fish, a pitbull named Saxon and Kiki, a Ball python. His future plans include relocating out into the country of Colorado or Washington where he would like to open a record store and write gay-oriented erotic novels.

A favorite quote: “Don’t watch me; watch yourself.”