By MARK STOKES | Illustrator

It took 7 years for Christy Kay Neal and Rocio Herrera to go from friends to lovers

What I Like About You

Names: Christy Kay Neal and Rocio Herrera

Occupations: Christy is a full time student working on her dietetics degree at Texas Woman’s University in Denton. Rocio is the owner of RCH Personal Training and LAG Music Studio.

Slowmance: Christy and Rocio were friends for seven years before they got together as a couple a year ago. They love to travel, listen to music and search for art together.

Her favorite things: Christy says her favorite thing about Rocio is that she finds the humor in everything; Rocio says her favorite thing about Christy is that she never stops growing.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition January 15, 2010.сайтконтекстная реклама яндексе