Steph Dickinson turns trash into art — and her life into a series of random acts of kindness

sketchesMARK STOKES  | Illustrator

Name and age:
Steph Dickinson, 28


Spotted at:
Bath House Cultural Center

Steph Dickinson grew up in Fort Lufton, Colo., and has spent most of her life in the Centennial State. This vivacious Cancer claims that “randomness” brought her to Dallas — when a friend recommended the Big D to her, she took the chance and migrated here eight years ago.

Steph is pursuing a career as an artist. Some of her work includes abstract compositions consisting of found objects such as bottle caps, metal and the like, which she composites with paint and canvas/Styrofoam board. She describes it as turning trash into fine art. She also combines marker and paint to create a variety of realistic art, and she relies heavily on symbolism to express meaning in all of her pieces.

With her giving heart, Steph and partner Ruth volunteer with Random Acts of Kindness in Deep Ellum each week (making sandwiches for the homeless), at the Fort Worth Food Bank (putting meal packages together) and at the Salvation Army (serving meals to the homeless).
Steph met her partner Ruth more than five years ago where they were both employed at the time. They found that they had a lot in common, not the least of which was the fact that they both had twin siblings: Steph a twin sister, Samme, and Ruth a twin brother, Rolando. They have a diverse group of friends. A life goal for this dynamic duo is to facilitate a shelter to help homeless LGBT teens.
Adventurous Steph loves to cook and sing karaoke. She lives life to the fullest, and wants to make a difference. Favorite quote: “Hell, yeah!”

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition March 30, 2012.