Penn lobbies for Milk Day

On Tuesday, Sean Penn, who won an Oscar for playing gay rights hero Harvey Milk, said he was confident Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger would sign a bill officially recognizing Milk’s birthday in California even though he vetoed it last year. Appearing at a news conference with the bill’s author, state Sen. Mark Leno, Penn said he did not want to insult the intelligence of a fellow actor by expecting Schwarzenegger to veto the measure again.

"I would never assume such ignorance as for him to not have revised his [position]," Penn said. "I have too much respect for him to be able to do that.”

Leno’s bill would require Schwarzenegger to establish May 22 of each year as a "day of significance." Unlike an official holiday, Harvey Milk Day would not give state workers the day off, but schools would be encouraged to conduct lessons on the late San Francisco supervisor’s life and legacy.

Milk, one of the nation’s first openly gay elected officials, was an outspoken gay rights advocate. He was assassinated along with Mayor George Moscone by another city supervisor in 1978.

After last year’s measure passed both houses of the Legislature, conservative groups lobbied Schwarzenegger to veto it, saying they objected to having gay issues taught in schools. In his September veto message, the governor said he thought Milk’s "contributions should continue to be recognized at the local level by those who were most impacted by his contributions.”

Schwarzenegger has not yet taken a position on the revived legislation. Leno also stressed that the measure would not require schools to commemorate Milk, but said opposition from parents should not dissuade schools from tackling the subject of Milk’s contributions.


On Feb. 21, queer comedian Sandra Bernhard performed at The Rose Room as part of Carnivale 4, Caven Enterprises’ annual Mardi Gras party. The event benefited AIDS Arms and the Resource Center of Dallas, which will each receive a $2,000 donation. Pictured are, from left, Adam King with the Resource Center of Dallas, Carol McClung of Caven Enterprises, Sandra Bernhard, Ben Polacheck of Caven, Alexis Ross with Ben E. Keith and Henry Ramirez of the Resource Center.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition March 6, 2009.
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