By Daniel A. Kusner Life+Style Editor

Parton pens ‘true colors’ kiddie book


Unfortunately, Dolly Parton’s "I Am a Rainbow," ($16.99, Putnam) doesn’t send the "Kids, it’s okay to be gay" message that you’d hope.

Instead Parton writes undeniable cutesy rhymes about getting in touch with one’s emotions: "When I’m tickled PINK, it means I’m feeling dandy/Everything is great and as sweet as cotton candy."

Dolly has admitted that it’s hard being a country superstar with a huge gay following. When there was a "Gay Day at Dollywood," the KKK protested. But you can’t help notice she’s trying to "say something" with a book that’s obviously incorporating a universal Pride  symbol.

"So be a rainbow — shine above/And filter all your glow through love."


On Wednesday, America’s most talented producer visits Big D. Known as the "Bernstein of Black America," Quincy Jones is the man behind the sound of Michael Jackson’s "Thriller," "We Are the World" and the "Sanford and Son" theme song.

Jones will promote the handsomely produced, "The Complete Quincy Jones: My Journey, My Passions: Photos and Mementos from Q’s Personal Collection," ($45, Insight) — a meticulous collection of photos, correspondence, notebooks, production lists, sheet music and even an old report card.

There’s not too much gay stuff in "Complete." But remember, Jones publishes Vibe magazine. And he famously hired openly gay editor-in-chief Emil Wilbekin, who helped Vibe win the 2002 National Magazine Award.

— D.A.K.

Barnes & Noble, 7700 West Northwest Hwy. March 18 at 7 p.m. 214-739-1124.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition March 13, 2009.написание текстов для сайтапроиндексировать сайт в яндексе