Education brain trust Betsy DeVos

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, not known for her knowledge regarding educational issues, was asked if she believed a principal or teacher should call ICE if they learn a student is undocumented. “Sir, I think that’s a school decision,” DeVos responded. “That’s a local community decision.”

However, in Plyler v. Doe, a 1982 Supreme Court decision, the justices struck down both a Texas statute denying funding for education to undocumented children and Tyler ISD’s attempt to charge undocumented immigrants $1,000 tuition for each immigrant student to compensate for the lost state revenue. And last year, Dallas ISD passed a resolution declaring that Dallas ISD schools are welcoming and protective of all students regardless of immigration status.

In reaction to DeVos’ lack of knowledge that school districts are simply required to educate all children in their jurisdiction, Dallas ISD Board President Dan Micciche has announced that at its next meeting the board will vote on adding “immigration status” to DISD’s anti-bullying policy.

— David Taffet