By Rasha Madkour- Associated Press

HOUSTON Howard Dean said the Democratic Party needs to look beyond its dated goal of getting gays and minorities a place at the table and instead work toward getting them on the ballot.

“We’ve got to share power, not just responsibility, from now on,” Dean told about 200 people Saturday at the International Gay & Lesbian Leadership Conference, an annual gathering of gay public officials.

Dean, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said little about issues such as same-sex marriage or civil rights and instead addressed broader Democratic agendas such as raising the minimum wage.

Flush from big Democratic gains in last week’s elections, Dean emphasized that the “new Democratic Party” reaches out to all citizens, even those less likely to vote for them.

The downfall of the “old Democratic Party,” he said, had been its acceptance to represent half the nation. “We’ve got to take the attitude: Everyone’s our boss,” Dean said.

He said the new Congress should increase college financial aid and pass an energy independence bill.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, November 24, 2006. otsledit-pochtuyandex подбор слов