Queer Liberaction just sent along a reminder that the group’s Dallas Day of Decision Rally will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Cedar Springs Road and Oak Lawn Avenue. The rally will take the form of a protest if the California Supreme Court upholds Prop 8, or a celebration if Prop 8 is declared unconstitutional. The court has announced that it will issue its ruling at 10 a.m. Pacific time Tuesday (noon Dallas time). Queer Liberaction is also inviting people to join the group at 7 p.m. today (Friday) at Buli Cafe, 3908 Cedar Springs Road, to help spread the word about the Dallas Day of Decision Rally. For more info, go to www.queerliberaction.org. Read the full press release after the jump.

Dallas – At 7:00 pm on Tuesday, May 26 Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgender (GLBT) people and allies will rally at the corner of Cedar Springs and Oak Lawn in response to the California Supreme Court’s ruling on Proposition 8.  The court gave notice on Friday, May 22nd that it will issue it’s ruling at noontime on the Tuesday after Memorial Day.  Dallas based Queer Liberaction is working with DayofDecision.org, the organization behind a push for nationwide actions on the day the court issues its ruling on this case.
DayofDecision.org has been organizing actions to take place across the country on the day the California Supreme Court issues its ruling on the Proposition 8 case.  Protests have been planned in the event the court upholds Prop 8, or celebrations in the case of its invalidation. This has become a national issue because if Prop 8 is upheld, it will be the first time in American history that a recognized minority group would be taken out of a constitution.
While the drive for a national day of action has been spearheaded by DayofDecision.org, the Dallas based direct action group Queer Liberaction has organized this event locally.  Organizing an event such as this without knowing its exact date until the very last minute has presented its challenges, but according to Queer Liberaction founder, Blake Wilkinson, having the public’s voice heard on this historical day is very important.
“Whether we’re handed a victory or defeat we will rally at the corner of Oak Lawn and Cedar Springs this coming Tuesday at 7:00 in the evening.  If the California Supreme Court overturns Prop 8 we will celebrate while pushing our win and riding the momentum of marriage equality that is sweeping this nation.  If the court upholds Prop 8 and allows a narrow majority to strip civil rights away from a minority, we will protest as vigorously as possible.  The only thing worse than a defeat is a passive acceptance of it” says Blake Wilkinson organizer with Queer Liberaction.
On Thursday, March 5 the California Supreme Court heard oral arguments regarding the Proposition 8 case.  Prop 8, the highest funded campaign on social issues in US history rescinded previously won marriage equality rights from LGBT people.  Prop 8 passed on Election Day 2008.  The California Supreme Court has heard arguments on a legal technicality regarding whether Prop 8 was a revision to rather than an amendment to the state’s constitution.
California often has been a precedent setting battleground state.  It was there in 1948 when the California Supreme Court ruled that anti-miscegenation laws were unconstitutional. The 1948 California Supreme Court decision set a precedent which influenced some 13 other states to repeal their anti-miscegenation laws prior to the United States Supreme Court case Loving v Virginia, which in 1967 ruled that marriage equality between race is a fundamental right.  Prop 8 is just as bigoted as the pre-1948 California laws prohibiting interracial marriages.antiban-warface.ruраскрутка сайтов в топ