Resource Center Dallas honors 1,040 people who contributed 45,500 hours valued at $949K in 2012 at annual appreciation party


BASKING IN THE STARLIGHT | Resource Center Dallas CEO Cece Cox, from left, Dana Barber and Kee Holt pose during RCD’s Volunteer Appreciation Party at the Starlight Room on Feb. 10. Barber was named RCD’s Volunteer of the Year. (Courtesy of Roger Lippert)

From Staff Reports

More than 1,040 people gave over 45,500 hours of their time and talents valued at over $949,000 to Resource Center Dallas in 2012.

The volunteers were honored at RCD’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Party on Feb. 10 at the Starlight Room in the Dallas West End.

Longtime volunteer Dana Barber received the 2012 Martha Dealey Volunteer of the Year award for his significant contributions to the Center.

“Dana’s consistent presence volunteering for the center, from the front-desk Saturday mornings to events such as Toast To Life, are a stellar example of selfless service for our staff and clients,” said RCD CEO Cece Cox. “We are thankful for his long-term support of the Center.”

Resource Center also recognized the following:

Curtis Young received the Randolph Terrell Community Service Award, given to a group or individual for exceptional service to the LGBT community and/or people living with HIV/AIDS;

Linda Freeman, Helen Goldenberg and Rosa Carballo were given the Suzanne Wilson Award, presented to the year’s most significant volunteers in Client Services;

Sammy McKinzie received the John Thomas Award, in recognition as the Gay & Lesbian Community Center’s exceptional volunteer of the year;

Brian LeBlanc was awarded the Bill Nelson Award honoring the Nelson-Tebedo Health Resource Center’s outstanding volunteer of the year; and,

Rebecca Wright received the Bruce Long Award for outstanding development department volunteer.

The Center also recognized 121 volunteers who contributed more than 100 hours during 2012. Michael Chau, with 1,106 hours, was recognized for donating the most amount of time last year.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition February 15, 2013.