Dallas Wings — our new WNBA team — begins preseason play on Sunday, May 8.
I met the team this morning in their new home, College Park Center on the UT Arlington campus. The three-year-old arena seats 7,000 and team members promised a fun and more intimate sports experience than you’ll find with other professional teams.
“We’re women,” said forward center Plenette Pierson. “We do things a little better than the men.”
In her 13th season with the WNBA, Pierson is the team’s most experienced player, with two championships under her belt.
Forward Glory Johnson, who doesn’t look like she had twins last fall, said, “If we do what we need to do on the court, people will come out.”
One of the ways to become part of the community is spending time working with community organizations. Johnson said because her twins were born prematurely, she’s interested in March of Dimes. She’s also looking at helping with Habitat for Humanity projects.
Head Coach Fred Williams called her play aggressive, a “good weapon” and “money in the bank.” But before she contributes to the team, she needs to get beyond a seven-game suspension.
Williams was excited about two players — Aerial Powers, whom he called a young Cheryl Miller, and center Ruth Hamblin.
Here’s what was obvious: These women love the game. They’re glad they’re in Dallas. And Dallas Wings basketball’s going to be fun.