0715 flash

The Plano plaintiffs

Patti Fink just sent a message that she’s been inside the 5th Circuit courtroom since 7 a.m. Fink is in New Orleans covering the marriage equality  hearings for Dallas Voice. The Voice’s Erin Moore is on her way to New Orleans to add to the coverage.
Lambda Legal’s Senior Supervising Attorney Ken Upton, who is based in the Dallas office, is at the plaintiff’s table.
Fink described the courtroom as very small. Only credentialed journalists were allowed inside the courtroom. Other spectators will be seated in overflow rooms.
The Louisiana case is first on the agenda. That case will be heard at 9 a.m., followed by Mississippi at 10 a.m. and Texas at 11 a.m. Upton is one of the attorneys on the Louisiana case. A rally with all the plaintiffs will be held outside the New Orleans courtroom at noon. In Dallas, a rally will be held at the monument on Cedar Springs Road at 5:30 p.m.