Just because the summer’s over doesn’t mean you don’t have a good reason to play a vacation. Indeed, when it begins to get cold you can head toward warmer climates, or find a great snowy destination to ski or board to your heart’s content. But where makes sense for you?

The 5th annual Dallas Travel & Adventure Show, which is at the Dallas Convention Center for two days this weekend, can be your one-stop resource for inspiration on where to go and what to do. Representatives from Antigua to the Antarctic (OK, maybe not that far) will be on hand, airlines and tour companies, agents and experts, as well as speakers from the Travel Channel and Frommer’s Travel Guides can give you ideas about where to go, what to see and how to get there.

— A.W.J.

Dallas Travel and Adventure Show, Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, 650. S. Griffin St. Oct. 25–26. Visit for tickets.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition October 24, 2014.