DTG Barricades #2

A double-decker trailer and almost 200 barricades have gone missing from where they normally are stored in a Cavern parking lot along Throckmorton Street.

Michael Doughman, executive director of the Dallas Tavern Guild, said the trailer, which costs about $10,000, and about 190 barricades in the trailer, disappeared in the last few days. DTG puts on the Dallas gay Pride parade. Someone noticed it was missing Thursday, and after checking to make sure it wasn’t loaned to anyone, Doughman said he called police to file a police report.

“No one has said anything,” Doughman said. “We have no idea why anyone would take it.”

He said the trailer, like the one pictured, had the Dallas Tavern Guild’s logo etched in the trailer’s hitch. The barricades have red and green paint on the sides.

Anyone with information about the trailer with the barricades should email Doughman at michaeldoughman@sbcglobal.net.