NorthPark’s new tenant, Pirch, turns a bathroom redo into an adventure


The ‘shower room’ at Pirch has an array of working shower heads that are completely programmable — and if you wanna try one out for real, you can even set up an appointment to stand under them in your bathing suit to get a feel for
what it will really be like in your home. How’s that for personal service? (Photo courtesy of Darin Fong Photography)


STEVEN LINDSEY | Contributing Writer

Appliance shopping is never exciting.

Well, that used to be true, but not now that Dallas has its first location of San Diego-based Pirch. At this high-end retailer, which occupies the space in NorthPark Center that previously housed Barneys New York, the process of creating dream kitchens, bathrooms and patios is as exhilarating and luxurious as the finished spaces.

Pirch is far more than just a place to pick out a new refrigerator or bathroom fixture; it’s a wonderland of possibilities that sets itself apart from the competition in a very big way. Or 23 ways — evidenced in the company’s multi-facet manifesto, each numbered and displayed prominently throughout the store, from “Live your life now” to

“Live joyfully” with thoughtful bon mots like “You have a great bottle of wine. Drink it” thrown in for good measure, the overall attitude here is making the very most of your time on this planet of ours.

And if you plan to spend much of those hours in your kitchen or bathroom, you’re in luck, because here you’ll find nearly every component needed to create the ultimate of both. As two of the rooms that can most contribute to a home’s increase in value, it’s no surprise that so much time and creativity has been devoted by the store’s buyers to curate a collection of so many best-in-class options.

Pirch features entrances at both street level and from within the mall. Upon entering from either side, you’ll be greeted by a barista offering up a complimentary beverage.

And trust us, you’ll need to caffeinate in order to thoroughly browse the offerings set up in working vignettes throughout the 32,000 square feet.

Want to test the spray nozzle on a new kitchen faucet? Maybe try out the motion-sensor raising of the seat on a space-age toilet? Or see just how quickly a convection oven can bake a batch of cookies? It’s all possible because nearly everything in-store is available to experience just as you would at home.

Of course, few try-before-you-buy options are as elaborate as what takes place in the Sanctuary. Here, you can reserve time alone in a space outfitted with more than a dozen different shower heads, a couple steam room options and a gorgeous tub or two. After all, if you’re going to drop a load of cash on a new bathroom retreat, you’ll want to ensure that the shower head is absolutely perfect. And that you actually fit comfortably inside the tub.

On the kitchen side of things, customers who purchase cooking appliances — such as stoves, steam ovens or outdoor grills — can actually meet with the on-staff chef, who will prepare a variety of dishes to showcase the capabilities of the new acquisition. The culinary team also presents weekday demonstrations ranging from steam and hearth cooking to grilling on the patio.

For anyone not yet ready to drop 10 grand on a refrigerator, Pirch also offers a variety of carefully selected gift and accessory items for any budget, including sparkly gold or silver sponges, spectacular serving pieces and decorative objects.

The space is ideal for large events, too, so don’t be surprised if an upcoming DIFFA or Black Tie pre-party takes place among the in-cabinet wine chillers, robotic vacuums and front-loading washers.


Lakewood Home Festival set for November

Lakewood is one of the oldest and most architecturally rich neighborhoods in the Metroplex, and if you’ve ever wanted a peek inside one of the homes there, your chance is coming up. The 38th annual Lakewood Home Festival showcases six houses from the area, from an upgraded ’30s French farmhouse to a ’50s classic ranch to new construction in modern idioms.

The tour runs Nov. 15–16, and tickets are available a

— A.W.J.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition October 3, 2014.