
The Dallas LGBT community gathered on the eve of oral arguments in the marriage equality cases at the Legacy of Love Monument in March.

And the wait continues.

The U.S. Supreme Court did not issue opinions this morning in two historic marriage equality cases, leaving just three possible dates for the high court to hand down its rulings — June 20, June 24 and either June 26 or 27.

On the same day the high court finally does rule in the cases challenging Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act, the Dallas LGBT community will gather at 7 p.m. for a Decision Day rally at the Legacy of Love Monument, at Cedar Springs Road and Oak Lawn Avenue.

From the Facebook page:

“On March 25th, 2013 LGBT Dallasites and our many allies stood with hundreds of thousands across the nation on the eve of the Supreme Court hearings for Prop. 8 and DOMA. WE SHOOK THIS NATION! As one we called out for equality! As one we stood on the side of LOVE! As one we entrusted our nation’s highest court with the civil rights of millions of Americans! Now we await their decision. Join us on the day the high court issues their rulings on marriage equality! We will gather again at the Legacy of Love Monument (Frank H. Caven Memorial Garden) at 7pm in jubilant celebration of a historic victory for the LGBT rights movement or fierce protest if the justices refuse to extend equality! Wear RED as a symbol of your support for marriage equality! Bring signs, candles, flags, drums, noise makers! Whether victory or defeat- we will be there to light the way to justice once again!”

The Dallas rally is one of many across the nation planned for the same day. For an interactive map, go here.