Confederate monument outside the Dallas Convention Center

A coalition of groups is planning a protest in Dallas on Aug. 19 to speak out against the Nazis and white supremacists who demonstrated in Charlottesville on Saturday, Aug. 12.
The Dallas Against White-Supremacy rally will take place from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the Confederate monument in the cemetery next to Dallas City Hall.
Northaven United Methodist Church minister Eric Folkerth is the rally’s first listed speaker.
On the Facebook invitation, the organizers wrote, “We’ll come together as a community to denounce white supremacy, neo-nazism, neo-confederates, the alt-right, and any other moniker you may know them by. At the end of the day, though, only one true name fits them all: racist. During their ‘Unite the Right’ march, they used chants that were anti-semite, anti-black, anti-muslim, and anti-lgbt, and claimed that ‘white lives matter.’”
Among the groups organizing the event are Faith Forward Dallas, NOW and Downtown Residents Against Confederate Glorification.
More about the event and reaction to Trump’s refusal to denounce Nazis in Friday’s Dallas Voice.