Dallas County Commissioners Court

Dallas County Commissioners Court unanimously passed a resolution affirming the county as a place where “all constituents” including the transgender community should be free from discrimination. Commissioner Theresa Daniel introduced the resolution.

The resolution reaffirms “our commitment to equal protection and freedom from discrimination on the basis of sex, including our commitment to ensuring LGBTQ+ individuals are free from discrimination, whether by individuals, businesses, or governments and we call upon the Texas State Legislature to codify these protections and refrain from restricting these rights.”

Local trans activist Saya Clarke is the Trans Safe Haven resolution’s original author and the person who brought it to the commissioners court. She called it a “response to yet another wave of escalation in attacks on trans people across the country and specifically in Texas,” referring to recent decisions by the attorney general and DPS to ignore court orders to issue corrected birth certificates and drivers licenses.

More about this in Friday’s Dallas Voice.

David Taffet