
Vonciel Hill

Vonciel Hill

Along with Mayor Mike Rawlings, Dallas City Councilwoman Vonciel Hill was absent last week when the council debated a resolution in support of marriage equality and LGBT job protections. Hill must feel like she missed an opportunity to join certain other council members in showing off their anti-gay bigotry, because this week she made up for it by emailing Fox 4 to complain about a billboard in South Dallas, above, encouraging people to get tested for HIV. From Fox 4:

Councilwoman Vonciel Hill wrote that the billboard has several messages: presenting African American men who are homosexuals as acceptable, engaging in such conduct presents health risks, feel free to continue what you are doing but protect your health.

It’s a little disturbing that Fox 4 would even consider this a story in 2013 — not 1983 — but reporter Shaun Rabb does a good job of getting Dallas County HHS Director Zachary Thompson and AIDS Arms Executive Director John Carlo to  thoroughly refute Hill’s arguments.

We’d only like to add that Hill’s email seems to have several messages: she hates gay people, she wants gay people to die from AIDS, and she wants African-American women to continue contracting HIV at alarmingly high rates.

Now, why on earth would anyone castigate her for that?

Watch Fox 4’s report below.

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