Lisa Derrick at the La Figa blog is reporting that BuzzFree Prom, which is based in Dallas (thereby explaining the Dallas County jail uniform), has pulled the above ad in response to an outcry from LGBT activists who allege that it is homophobic. I put a call in to Liza Orchard of BuzzFree Prom this morning to try to confirm that they have removed the ad from their “BuzzFree Prom Kits,” but I haven’t heard anything back. Orchard reportedly told Derrick that she ran the ad by her gay friends before publishing it and that they didn’t find it offensive. Which leads Derrick to conclude that, “Maybe it’s a Texas thing.”
With people like Gov. Rick Perry constantly running their mouths, I suppose the Texas-bashing is to be expected, but we’d also like to point out to Derrick that Sheriff Lupe Valdez, who runs the Dallas County Jail, is openly gay.
UPDATE: Dallas County Sheriff’s Department spokeswoman Kimberly Leach says she’ll check whether permission was granted to use this uniform in the ad. But Leach speculated that someone just took something that looked like a jail jumper and Photoshopped “Dallas County” on the front. “We actually still use the two piece black and white striped inmate wear,” Leach says.
UPDATE NO. 2: See Orchard’s comment below. как быстро раскрутить сайт