Source: Williams Institute (click to enlarge)

With 2010 Census figures from the final five states released today, UCLA’s Williams Institute has now posted a nationwide snapshot of same-sex couples in the U.S.

And Dallas, with 15.01 same-sex couples per 1,000 households, ranks 13th on the list of cities with populations above 250,000. San Francisco is No. 1 at 33.41 same-sex couples per 1,000 households, and Austin is 15th with 14.42 same-sex couples per 1,000 households.

No other Texas city — large, mid-size or small — cracked the top 25. But Texas as a whole is the 21st-gayest state, with 7.56 same-sex couples per 1,000 households. The District of Columbia is No. 1, with 19.29 same-sex couples per 1,000 households, followed by Vermont, Massachusetts, California and Oregon.

View the Williams Institute’s national snapshot here. And read today’s story from The New York Times about the gayest cities here.