Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with Jon Stewart is working on a segment about Texas’ first same-sex divorce case.
The Daily Show‘s Laura Swisher contacted Dallas Voice last month seeking potential sources.
Swisher told me today that a Daily Show crew was in Dallas last week filming for the segment. She said they interviewed the plaintiff in the divorce case, “J.B.,” along with his attorney, Peter Schulte.
The crew then traveled to East Texas to interview right-winger Rick Scarborough, the former Southern Baptist pastor who heads Vision America.
“I think we got good material from everybody, and I think it’s a really interesting case, so it was fun to kind of explore,” Swisher told me. “It’s a great story, just on the face of it, so we’ll have some fun with it.”
She added that the segment likely will air sometime after the New Year.харьков бесплатные объявленияпродвижение сайта москва цены