U[PDATE: 7 p.m. The general has surrendered. The statue of Robert E. Lee was on the truck and ready to ride off into the sunset. Stay tuned for more photos and final details from David Taffet.
UPDATE: (6:07 p.m.). David Taffet says he has been told that Hiram Patterson, the same guy who filed suit and got a temporary restraining order to stop the city from removing the statue last Wednesday, Sept. 6, has filed again asking for another restraining order to stop this effort to remove the statue. The TRO issued on Sept. 6 was lifted less than 24 hours later following a hearing on the merits of the case.
Meanwhile, a backhoe continues to chip away at the granite base to free the statue and remove it.
UPDATE (5:33 p.m.). They are sawing thru the granite.
UPDATE (4:55 P.M.): David Taffet reports that Dallas Police Chief Renee Hall has arrived at the park, and that the crowd of onlookers is growing.
It’s 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 14, and Dallas Voice senior reporter David Taffet is on the scene at Lee Park in Oak Lawn where a crane, pictured above, has arrived, apparently to remove the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. (Thanks to Carl Smith for the tip.) Police stationed in the park told Taffet they think the statue will be removed tonight.
Taffet reports that a flatbed trailer, hitched to a pickup truck, is positioned directly in front of the statue, below, and that is apparently how the statue will be taken from the park. Taffet said the crew seems “very determined to get the damn thing gone” as soon as possible.
If they are, in fact, able to remove the statue tonight, supporters who have planned a rally — with guns and all — for noon Saturday will have to stage their event around an empty pedestal.
Stay tuned for updates.