Here are a couple of items passed along from the Dallas Police Department via neighborhood crime watches:
Beware the scam calls
Screen shot 2015-09-24 at 3.03.55 PMA member of the Webb/Royal Neighborhood Watch reported a recent spate of disturbing spam calls. The first one came from a number identified by Caller ID as Dallas Water Utilities. “Very official and sounded very professional, but they wanted me to authorize a payment to catch up my account. Didn’t work — I had a credit balance at that time and they hung up when I addressed that.”
In the second instance, the reporting person’s sister said she got a call from someone claiming that a warrant had been issued for her address and that an officer was on the way to serve the bench warrant for a missed jury summons” and to collect a check for a substantial ‘bond'” so that she could avoid being arrested and put in jail.” When the woman asked the caller to repeat his name and give her his badge number, the caller declared he didn’t “have time for that” and then hung up. The woman doubled checked with police and was assured there was no warrant and that the call was a scam.
“We were advised not to answer calls with no caller ID, were assured that no warning call would precede the serving of a bench warrant and that neither of us has any unpaid tickets or missed jury summons, and they had several complaints about calls from the same number.”
I have done a number of stories over the years about these kinds of scams, and while you might think you would never been fooled, don’t be so sure. These scammers are always coming up with some new and inventive way to try to separate you from your cash. They usually target older people — thinking they might be more vulnerable — but no one is safe, when you get right down to it.
Just remember, no real city, state, federal official is going to call you and ask you to give them your credit card/bank account info, nor will they stop by your house to pick up payment. And your mother/cousin/grandhcild/best friend in all liklihood did not take a sudden, surprise, last-minute trip to London or Borneo or anywhere else and you don’t need to send them money to get home.
Prescription drug take-back event
Dallas Area Drug Prevention Partnership, Dallas Police Department, Dallas ISD Police, Walgreens and the Drug Enforcement Administration will be participating in a drug take-back event Saturday, Sept. 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Anyone with unused or expired medications can bring them to one of the participating Walgreens locations below on Saturday and turn them in to be safely disposed of.
• 5001 Ross Ave.
• 4702 N. Jim Miller Rd.
• 11403 E. Northwest Highway
• 18207 Midway Road
• 1104 S. Westmoreland Road
• 1060 W. Camp Wisdom Road
• 3732 W. Morthwest Highwat