
In a photo caption alongside my story in today’s Voice about the opening of the new Magic Johnson Healthcare Center at AIDS Outreach Center in Fort Worth, we misidentified one of the dignitaries who attended.

The photo above shows Fort Worth City Councilman Frank Moss, whose district includes most of East Fort Worth, along with AIDS Healthcare Foundation Regional Director Adam Ouderkirk.

The caption in the print edition misidentifies Moss as Tarrant County Commissioner Roy Brooks, who previously served as board chair for AOC. We regret the error, which has been corrected in the online version of the story.

Both Moss and Brooks spoke at the opening of the Magic Johnson center, welcoming the California-based clinic to serve clients from Tarrant County. Many of the clients who were served by AIDS Services of Rural Texas in Weatherford and Abilene are expected to become clients of the clinic. That agency closed last summer.