By David Webb Staff Writer

Morrison, who catered to LGBT community, faces aggravated assault charge

Arthur Morrison

A home improvement contractor who catered to Dallas’ LGBT community was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon recently in connection with a slashing attack on a woman on the Katy Trail.

The suspect allegedly attacked the woman in a case of road rage that involved bike riding.

Dallas police officers arrested Arthur Morrison, 44, on Aug. 11, after a Richardson Bike Mart associate alerted police he suspected one of his customers was wanted in connection with the July 30 assault.

Morrison is now being held in jail on $75,000 bond.

The home improvement contractor had brought his bike to the store to get a tire fixed, and an employee delayed making the repair until police arrived.

Morrison reportedly told the store employee that his bike’s tire was damaged during a fight.

The employee remembered hearing about the slashing attack, and that a suspect who fit the description of the customer was riding a black bike believed to have been damaged during a scuffle.

Jennifer Tunay told police that she and her husband, Bryan Kilburn, were riding their bikes on the Katy Trail near Fitzhugh Avenue about 9 p.m. when the attack occurred.

Tunay said the man rode up beside her on his bike and started yelling and slashing her with a box cutter after she and her husband had encountered him on the trail a few moments earlier.

The trio had apparently exchanged words while passing each other on the trail that is used by walkers, joggers and bikers.

Tunay and her husband fought off the attacker after she was slashed, and said the man’s bike was damaged during the scuffle. Kilburn reportedly threw his bike at the attacker.

Tunay suffered two gashes on her arm and one stab wound to her upper torso.

Tunay’s husband called all of the bike shops in the Dallas area the day after the attack, giving them a description of the suspect and asking them to be on the watch for him bringing in a black bike for repairs.


This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition August 17, 2007 mobil online gameнужно раскрутить сайт