
Not gay former Rep. Aaron Schock photographed by his not gay photographer and companion while Congress was in session

Former Congressman Aaron Schock (R-Ill.), who is still not gay, was indicted on 24 counts including fraud, over-billing the government for auto mileage, theft of government funds, making false statements and filing false income tax returns.
The flamboyant Schock came to national attention when he redecorated his congressional office to look like a set from Downton Abbey. Not gay.
Schock also spent quite a bit of time away from Congress, usually on skiing, surfing or other adventure holidays with his also totally not gay male photographer, who was there only to save the congressman’s adventures for posterior, I mean posterity. Some of those pictures showed off Schock’s six-pack abs and landed him on magazine covers. But not gay magazines, because he’s completely not gay.
Schock resigned from Congress in March 2015, the same day he was subpoenaed by a grand jury investigating his finances.
Some of the charges against him carry a 20-year sentence, according to the Chicago Tribune.